Adult Ministries

In the spirit of Hebrews 10:24-25, where the scripture reminds us to get together and encourage one another in love and good works, there are so many opportunities to just be with fellow believers. Whether it’s dropping in on a small group Bible study, meeting at a restaurant, gathering at the church for a sewing social, participating in a music ministry, taking a trip to the ball game, or so much more, life is better when you share it with friends.

Meeting on a Thursday morning for Bible Study.
Youth and adults taking in a ball game.
Handbell choir playing for the congregation.

Sunday School Classes

Room 133

An all-ages group that meets in the room 133 to study selected Bible passages.

Room 130

Directionally Challenged

Ages 30+ meet in room 130 to discuss a variety of topics which change each week.

Room 123


Ages 40+ meet in room 123 to discuss the next section in a chronological Bible study.

Room 134


Ages 50+ meet in room 134 to study from the Bible and various Christian authors.

Room 121


Mostly mature adults meet in room 121 to discuss a variety of books and materials.

Join Us

Whether in a Sunday School class or meeting together to pray, we’d love to meet you.